Here are a few pics of the boys...later I might try to add some digital layouts I've been having so much fun with. These first pictures are from Will's 4th Birthday party...everything was Thomas! Will, Christian, and Andrew had fun with cousins Tyler and Conner! It's hard to believe Jenny and I have had 5 boys in 3 1/2 years - it's nice because they'll be great playmates! :)

And here's a couple from last weekend...Christian was having fun with baby Andrew (who's already quite the ham!).

This weekend we're heading to the pumpkin patch - the boys each get to pick out a pumpkin. Daddy's still not sure if we'll be carving them or keeping them "natural" (aka Mommy and Daddy don't want to deal with the mess!).
I'm starting to work on my Christmas gifts ... I think I have about seven projects going right now. Plus I'm running low on Mod Podge - a trip to Joann's might be in order this weekend! :) I just ordered some unfinished wood for a few other projects I've been wanting to try, so it looks like I'll be busy these next few weeks (months?).
We may try to make another trip to Treasure Lake before year's end...but we'll have to see what Max's schedule allows. We're still looking for job opportunities in that area - we're VERY ready to move.
Homeschooling is going GREAT!!! Actually far better than my's been such a blessing taking this journey. Christian jumps right in with big brother Will, learning Bible verses and songs, listening to stories, and even helping out with some math worksheets and activities!
Well, enough rambling for now...