
Monday, October 30, 2006

my budding photographer...

Well, it's been relatively quiet around here lately...we moved my scrapbook room to the dining room and switched a few pieces of furniture around, but other that than that - pretty routine, which is okay. We're doing some trick-or-treating tomorrow, so I'll have pics of the boys in their costumes (we're using the same ones as last year, but they still fit, so all is good).

Anyhow, here are a few pics that Will took with my camera. And there's one of Max and Andrew that I took. As you can see, Will did a much better job than Mommy...I'm thinking he'll be getting a camera of his own for Christmas. :)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

a visit with the doctor and a new bedroom...

Well, we had a pretty busy day today...Will and Andrew had doctor's visits this morning. I'm happy to say all is well. They're big boys though...Will is 48 pounds and 43 inches...Andrew is just shy of 22 pounds and 29 inches!

Mom came over to finish painting the boys' bedroom - I painted the green stripes (weeks ago) and she did ALL the blue today. We brought the new beds over from Mom and Dad's house and the boys have already had fun testing them out! :)

The final picture is my accomplishment of the day...a journal to keep track of the cute things the boys say. Here's the entry for this past Sunday:

Christian loves to give kisses. He'll give you a kiss and as long as you say "one more" he'll keep giving kisses...up to a point. When he's done, Christian will tell you "That's all I got!"

Sunday, October 22, 2006

a new layout of Christian...

I just created this digital layout of Christian...I really liked the way it turned out, so here it is...

Andrew's first word...

Last night, plain as day, Andrew said his first word..."da-da"!!!! Max and I both heard him say it...completely out of the blue...but we're positive we didn't imagine it! He won't roll over, he won't crawl, but by golly, the boy's gonna talk! :)

more pumpkin pictures...

Here's a cute picture of Andrew from earlier in the day...I didn't have room to post it before. I'm also including some pictures of the pumpkins - post carving! :)

P.S. I originally posted this yesterday, but for some reason, you couldn't enlarge the should work fine now. :)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

pumpkin patch day....

We went to the pumpkin patch today! The boys had a blast. At the entrance to the patch, they had a teepee made of hay and a mini-maze for kids to go through. Will and Christian were a bit tentative of the teepee at first, but they LOVED the maze! They were running through it over and over - until some other kids came by and we decided to move on.

The pumpkin patch was pretty much picked-over, but the boys enjoyed running
through it and picking out some potential pumpkins. Mommy and Daddy didn't like any of the patch pumpkins very much, so we ended up cheating...we bought pumpkins that were sent up on tables outside the barn!

Mommy's going to carve them later today, so we should have quite the adventure! Daddy wants to cook up the seeds, but we're not positive how to do it...we may need to call for some instructions there. :)

We'll post pictures later once the pumpkins are decorated...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

a few digital layouts...

I've been playing with this Lifetimez software and really loving it! It's been so easy to use and so quick to come up with layouts (much faster than paper scrapbooking). I just downloaded a free calendar(how cool is that?), so I'll be working on finding pictures for that over the next few weeks. Now for my shameless plug: I have a few extra copies of the software at the house, so if anyone is interested, just let me know (I'll sell below cost!). :)

Okay, enough of that...on to the pictures. I've got a bit of a hodge-podge going on here...our trip to Treasure Lake...vacation to Colonial Williamsburg...and Fourth of July. What can I say...I'm definitely NOT a chronological scrapper! :)


my first attempt at attaching pics...

Here are a few pics of the boys...later I might try to add some digital layouts I've been having so much fun with.

These first pictures are from Will's 4th Birthday party...everything was Thomas! Will, Christian, and Andrew had fun with cousins Tyler and Conner! It's hard to believe Jenny and I have had 5 boys in 3 1/2 years - it's nice because they'll be great playmates! :)

And here's a couple from last weekend...Christian was having fun with baby Andrew (who's already quite the ham!).

This weekend we're heading to the pumpkin patch - the boys each get to pick out a pumpkin. Daddy's still not sure if we'll be carving them or keeping them "natural" (aka Mommy and Daddy don't want to deal with the mess!).

I'm starting to work on my Christmas gifts ... I think I have about seven projects going right now. Plus I'm running low on Mod Podge - a trip to Joann's might be in order this weekend! :) I just ordered some unfinished wood for a few other projects I've been wanting to try, so it looks like I'll be busy these next few weeks (months?).

We may try to make another trip to Treasure Lake before year's end...but we'll have to see what Max's schedule allows. We're still looking for job opportunities in that area - we're VERY ready to move.

Homeschooling is going GREAT!!! Actually far better than my's been such a blessing taking this journey. Christian jumps right in with big brother Will, learning Bible verses and songs, listening to stories, and even helping out with some math worksheets and activities!

Well, enough rambling for now...

just first post

I'm finally trying my hand at this blogging thing...we'll see how it goes. Since our web page through comcast is not terribly easy to access, I'm going to try this as a way to share info and pictures about the boys. Let's keep the fingers crossed to see how it works out! :)