First, I made it to the final week over at Scrap Shanty. Later tonight I'll update with my layouts from the last couple weeks. That made me happy!
I just found out that Valdosta (our new hometown) won ESPN's Titletown. It will be on Sportscenter tonight, but here's an article from the local paper. :)
And Kristy - I'll add some more pics later. The ones with Christian turned out okay - the lighting was a bit funky. I'll play with them and then upload.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I so need to get better at updating...
I'm about to grab a bowl of cereal, but here are some quick pics:
Fuzzy as it is, this was actually the best pic we got of my Dad and his 4 grandsons.
Max had moved his car to the side yard for our yard sale. When he went to move it, Christian and Andrew climbed in for a ride around the cul-de-sac. It always amazes me how little things make them so happy.
This expression is so Will.

And a video...Will and Christian have just started climbing trees. Again, it's the little things!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Round 3 here I come...
I was really nervous this week, but I made it through to round 3 in the recipe challenge at Scrap Shanty! I'm so excited! This week's recipe is really tough, but I have an idea in my head. Now I just need to translate it to paper! I'll post last week's layout and a couple other projects I've been working on's been a productive week for me, but I'll share all about that later too.
Friday, July 18, 2008
I can finally let the cat out of the bag...
Now that CHA is well under way, I can share my project I created for the good folks at Fiskars. A few weeks ago, I received a package filled with Heidi Grace goodies - including some of her new line, Reagan's Closet. My job was to create tags that Heidi would be signing and giving out at the show. How fun is that!?! Here's a few pics of what I made:

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
How cool is this...
Valdosta, GA - our new hometown - is being featured on ESPN tonight as part of their Titletown contest. Here's a link with more info. I hope they win! :)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Who knew....
that printing photos would take all night. I decided to print a big batch of pics - 81 to be exact - and my little Epson has been running for almost 5 hours. Ouch! I think I'll be buying a new ink cartridge soon.
Not much going on here. We're waiting for our house to sell. Please pray that it sells fast. It's so tough in this market, but we had a very long showing on Friday and we're hoping that something comes of it.
It's CHA week (for any non-scrappers reading this, CHA is when all the new goodies are released). We've got some fun challenges planned over at the Diner and over at the Fiskateers site.
Back to my photos...I found these yummy ones from the 4th. It's my easy parfait. I took a yellow cake mix, roughly cubed it, and layered with fat-free whipped cream, blueberries and strawberries. Yummy!

And speaking of yummy, here's a pic of Max that I took last night. I love my hubby! :)

Not much going on here. We're waiting for our house to sell. Please pray that it sells fast. It's so tough in this market, but we had a very long showing on Friday and we're hoping that something comes of it.
It's CHA week (for any non-scrappers reading this, CHA is when all the new goodies are released). We've got some fun challenges planned over at the Diner and over at the Fiskateers site.
Back to my photos...I found these yummy ones from the 4th. It's my easy parfait. I took a yellow cake mix, roughly cubed it, and layered with fat-free whipped cream, blueberries and strawberries. Yummy!
Monday, July 14, 2008
I made it to round 2...
In the Scrap Shanty Ultimate Recipe Showdown contest! For this week, I need to create a Christmas layout without using traditional Christmas colors. I have a couple ideas knocking around in my head...I'm hoping to get started tonight. For my week 1 entry, check here.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Friday, July 04, 2008
Thursday, July 03, 2008
For the 4th...
I love this country! Happy Birthday USA!
Please remember all our service men and women around the world and especially those in Iraq this Independence Day. Cheesey and cliche as it sounds, freedom isn't free and I thank God for these brave soldiers willing to put their lives on the line for our country and the freedoms upon which it is built!